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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Alphabet Card Match

Alphabet Card Match

A set of alphabet cards showing letters and a matching set showing pictures. Cut, laminate and play matching phonics games at EYFS and KS1. Children can cut, match and paste in alphabetical order. Add to displays too.
Alphabet Board Games and Resources

Alphabet Board Games and Resources

Alphabet Games A set of game boards for young children to learn the alphabet. Board examples are given which can be changed and adapted to suit the teacher’s/ children’s needs. All the alphabet letters are included, and the pictures used. All you need is a dice, and you are ready to go. For a super effective game board, change the page colours.
Easter Eggs Fine Motor Worksheets

Easter Eggs Fine Motor Worksheets

Activity sheets to improve fine motor control. Children can use any media to follow these patterns such as felt pens, paint or pencils. 11 designs of Easter Eggs with handwriting patterns within them. 2 pages of 5 Eggs in a smaller version. Suitable for children with specific learning difficulties, Nursery and KS1.
Alphabet Flashcards with a Difference

Alphabet Flashcards with a Difference

A set of alphabet cards that have inserts of something beginning with each sound e.g. B is for bananas and V is for Violins. Challenge your class to identify what the filled in images are beginning with each letter. As a follow up the class could make their own alphabet cards using the same principles.
Match the Alphabet with Words and Pictures

Match the Alphabet with Words and Pictures

3 activities in 1 with this resource. Page 1 - children name the pictures and match the initial sounds to the alphabet letters. Page 2 - Match the words to their initial sounds. Page 3 - A template with the alphabet on to use for drawing their own pictures or writing a word for each letter.
Alphabet Cards A to Z

Alphabet Cards A to Z

Alphabet cards with a transport theme. Cut and order the alphabet cards. Children can also write inside the letters or use paint or felt pens.
Alphabet Resources EYFS and KS1

Alphabet Resources EYFS and KS1

A novel set of animal alphabet resources for EYFS and KS1. A set of colour cards A to Z An alphabet poster Worksheet - Write the name of the animal for each letter of the alphabet A writing or drawing border Alphabet labels or labels to write in the animal words or initial sounds
Spring Read, Write, Colour and Match KS1

Spring Read, Write, Colour and Match KS1

6 pages on a spring theme based -a nest, lamb, rabbit, chick, duck, Easter egg, worm, rose and a bee. 6 Spring pictures with words to read and colour in. 6 Spring pictures to colour in. 6 words to read and write. 6 colour pictures to name, cut and match. 6 colour photos to name, cut and match. An outline template for you to use.
Missing Letters Spring Worksheets KS1

Missing Letters Spring Worksheets KS1

A literacy / phonics resource for KS1. 3 worksheets showing pictures with a Spring theme. Children write in the missing letters. There is a Word sheet included to support children that may need it. Children can colour in the pictures.
Make a Spring Poster

Make a Spring Poster

A phonics / spelling resource for EYFS or KS1. There are 6 sets of letters that spell out the word SPRING. These can be mixed and matched. 5 sets are in colour and the final set are black and white for children to colour in themselves. Children can cut out the letters and use them as a basis for making a Spring poster.
Spring Recall Activity KS1

Spring Recall Activity KS1

This is a fun speaking and listening game which involves naming, phonics and memory recall. Show these pictures on your smart board or print them out. The first sheet shows a grid with 24 colour pictures of things children might see in Spring. They need to look at them carefully as some will be removed and they will try to remember which ones they were. Children can name the pictures and say what the initial sounds are. Finally, give the children the blank grid for them to draw the pictures on that they remember or Spring pictures of their own.
Spring Snap Card Game EYFS / SK1

Spring Snap Card Game EYFS / SK1

A lovely little matching card game for young children where they name and match drawings and photos of a Spring theme such as a chick, blossom and insects. Cut and laminate the cards for durability and reuse. Children could colour in the drawings to make them more personal. Useful too, for displays, drawer labels and speaking and listening work. There are 10 pages with 2 sets of cards on each one.
Alphabet Workbook A to Z KS1

Alphabet Workbook A to Z KS1

A complete set of alphabet worksheets with the same format on each page. Children can name the pictures, find and write the words and trace the letters. When you print out, cut off the word bank to differentiate for the more able pupils.
Alphabet Letters with Pictures Worksheets KS1

Alphabet Letters with Pictures Worksheets KS1

An alphabet activity work book from A to Z for EYFS or KS1. Each letter is represented. Letter outlines are filled with words beginning with each sound for children to name and colour. Children can then write the names of the pictures in the empty letter.
Rainbow Border Alphabet Flashcards A to Z

Rainbow Border Alphabet Flashcards A to Z

A set of Alphabet flashcards from A to Z. Two cards to each page. Each card shows upper and lower case letters with a colour border. There is also a final page which is a template for creating your own cards and colour borders. These are good visual aids for phonics work and look great on displays too.
Alphabet Bookmarks to Make EYFS / KS1

Alphabet Bookmarks to Make EYFS / KS1

A set of alphabet bookmarks for children to colour in and label the pictures. Cut and laminate and add a tassle for a lovely bookmark. Great for gifts or for making a class alphabet display. Add the sounds you are working on together and fasten with a treasury tag or split pin to make phonic fans. There are some blank outlines on the last sheet for you or the children to make their own designs.
Alphabet Black and White Cards with Rainbow Border

Alphabet Black and White Cards with Rainbow Border

A flashcard for each letter of the alphabet showing black and white images. There are 2 flashcards on each page and each has a rainbow border. Use for visual aids or displays on the wall or table top. Children can colour in the cards or paint them. Links to reading and phonics.
Alphabet Tags to Trace, Cut and Match

Alphabet Tags to Trace, Cut and Match

A set of alphabet tags which can be used in a variety of ways. Children can trace the letters of the alphabet within the tags. There is a set of letter tags with a white background and a set of letters with a black background. Children can cut out the tags and match them. Use for displays or for children to compile / spell words or their names. A durable multi-use resource especially if cut and laminated.
A Food Alphabet Frieze EYFS / KS1

A Food Alphabet Frieze EYFS / KS1

A different alphabet frieze for your classroom wall or display on food or the alphabet. Each poster has a different letter of the alphabet with a corresponding food item. Make an A4 and a smaller version for matching games.